Core Team

Iman Moazzen
CEO & Co-founder
Iman holds a PhD in video processing and brings a decade of experience in applied R&D and algorithm development in the audio industry and wearable tech. He is obsessed with teaching and won several teaching excellence awards during his time at University of Victoria. Iman is a Youtub educator with more than a million views on his channel. He is an avid runner and enjoys camping and outdoor activities.

Matt Payne
CTO & Co-founder
An experienced software engineer, technical leader and co-founder Matt has been a part of several startups, some quite successful and a few not. In his time with Castofly, Matt has helped to improve and streamline engineering and business processes, automated as much as humanly possible and improved quality while also working on customer-facing, impactful and valuable features. Matt strongly believes in a good work-life balance and spends much of his non-work time outdoors, hiking, fishing and riding bikes.

Aiden Smith
Software Lead
Aiden initially joined Castofly to speed the transition from the desktop to the web. Since then he's done that, and done much more to develop key infrastructure, improve developer workflows, and make Castofly on the web possible. In his off time he bakes, tinkers with electronics, and plays video games.